Update on Kilah’s quilt

I’ve received 27 of the promised blocks. I am still waiting on 2 (I think). I hate to not have them all when I start the layout, so I’ll wait a few more days. I’ve decided to use the extras in a 2nd donation quilt for another abused little girl. I hope no one is offended if theirs makes it into the second quilt rather than the first. Both are going to be special. For the second quilt, I’m going to use some of the fabric Kate Spain sent to make up a few more blocks to complete it. If you’ve not sent or even made yet, don’t let the number above keep you from making your blocks! All the blocks will be used. I promise.
Kate also sent me a number of blocks she’d made already with some of her fabric and I will incorporate these in the backs (though I truly despise piecing backs. It’s so…anticlimatic or something. haha).

Anyway, thanks so much again for reaching out to Kilah and her family with your time and talent (and fabric). I’m hoping to have this pieced by the weekend and ready to get to the longarm. Pictures coming soon!

Salty ZigZag top done!

I completed this top for my cousin, Tammy, and I’m so glad. I love the quilt, but it’s one of those that I find boring. In other words, lots of same, small blocks to make. Ick.

Anyway, the pattern is from Moda BakeShop for layer cakes: You Zig, I’ll Zag quilt. I modified mine to fit my terrible sewing. The blocks were supposed to be 8.25″ and mine basically were, but most weren’t very square, so I squared them up and trimmed to 8″. I also added an extra, inner border at 2.5″ and increased the outer border from 7.5″ to 9″. This made my finished quilt 79″x79″. The original finished at 75″x75″.

Now to find a suitable backing (because I hate piecing backs).
And the picture before I forget…

The quilt is coming along.

I thought I’d post an update with pictures for those of you who aren’t connected with me via flickr, twitter or Facebook. These are just in the order I received them in.

All the blocks received so far.


A few weeks ago, a dear friend from junior high(!) posted that her granddaughter was in the hospital with a broken collarbone and fractured skull. The prognosis at the time was dire. They weren’t sure she would survive. She begged us to pray. Turns out, 3-year-old Kilah was abused by her stepfather. Here is the story in the news:
All links open in new window.

msnbc.com – Kilah

PostRacial.net – Kilah

Video Story from WBTV on Kilah

Donations through PayPal for Kilah’s medical expenses

Team Kilah Blog

So there’s the story. And ways you can reach out to her. I would love our online quilting community to come together and create a quilt for Kilah. I’ve already had several volunteers to make blocks. I’m really hoping one of our expert long-arm quilters will volunteer to quilt it beautifully for us. Even if they don’t, though, I’ll have it quilted professionally and quickly so we can get it to this sweet baby.

In our Bee A {Modern} Swapper swap, we made these blocks for someone and I love them. They’re simple, bright and cheerful and have lots to draw the eye for a little girl needing the extra motivation and stimulation.

Here is the tutorial for the block: Fussy Cut Scrappy Square Tutorial. I’d love it if you’d stick with bright, girly colors, though it doesn’t have to be all pink and purple. But the fussy cuts? Yes! The girlier the better. I’m currently planning to sash with Kona White unless some other color looks like it will match better.

I really think it’d be great to have 24 blocks, so if you can do more than one, I’d be grateful. Contact me directly for mailing info: karen(at)lintonville(dot)com – I’m assuming y’all know to replace the (at) with @ and the (dot) with a period? ;o) While you’re making these blocks, will you also spend time praying for this sweet girl?

Above all, if you can’t make a block for Kilah, would you please commit to praying for her every day? You can get daily email updates about how she’s doing.

Thanks everyone! My quilting friends are my heroes.


Blocks committed to:
01-mtngirl81 (2 blocks)
06-Rebecca_Peachey (2 blocks)
11-ws_on_etsy (2 blocks)
12-MermaidSweets (2 blocks)
14-Bethadeezoo (2 blocks)
16-Kim (2 blocks)
17-true2beeme (2 blocks)

The addition of Carol’s block brings us up to 27 blocks, so we have enough blocks. I will either put the extra three on the back or make them the start of another quilt to donate for another abused little girl. If there are more than three extra (which might be the case if I’ve assigned quantities incorrectly), I’ll definitely start another little quilt with them. They will not go to waste. I promise.

Also, Art Gallery Fabrics (they are awesome!) has volunteered to donate fabric if needed. I’ve already asked for backing fabric. If you’d like to make a block but don’t have girlie stuff in your stash, please let me know. I have lots and can send. Thanks so much to Kate Spain for donating fabric to make blocks with. Please let me know if you need anything to make a block!

Running Update

Yes, I’ve been running, plus on the 4th I started a class at the gym: TRX Suspension Training. It has been kicking my butt! Hoping that the combo of running and strength/resistance training will kick my metabolism back into gear and get me moving down the scale.

So, miles update follows:

06.06.2012 – 5.3-mi (Week 6 Day 2 of Couch to 10K)
06.11.2012 – 6.2-mi (Week 6 Day 3 of Couch to 10k)
06.13.2012 – 6.2-mi (Week 7 Day 1 of Couch to 10K)
Total June miles: 27.05
Total 2012 miles: 144.43
Shoe Miles
Running: 371.64
Walking: 75.34
Total: 446.98