Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

I’m still Swooning!

I thought I’d never get this block finished! My newlywed son and his wife came to visit this weekend, then I was wiped out yesterday after the kettlebells workout (Thanks a lot, Bob Harper!), and I was supposed to actually accomplish something with work today. Nonetheless, I did eventually get to swoon today. Here is block 5.

This is another mystery fabric block. Maybe I should start taking apart the fat quarters before I buy them to see if they have the good selvedge?




What is hindering me this week?

Sometime last year, since I ran so many days and miles and only lost 6 of my 30 goal pounds, I decided to add a new thing to my workout routine and ordered 2 of Bob Harper’s DVDs.  (You can get them here: One was his cardio routine and the other a kettlebell workout.  I see now that he has two kettlebell videos and if I was capable, I’d go to the living room and see which I bought, but my thighs are still protesting…hence what is hindering me this week.  I mean, my thighs are absolutely screaming and it didn’t even really hurt in the doing.  I was no more out of breath when I finished the routine than after a good 3 miler.  But, I noticed right away that my thighs were a bit spaghetti-like and after I showered and ate, I was just as exhausted as when I was running 3 and 4 miles this summer in 90-degree heat.  Literally, I laid on the sofa the rest of the day.

Today, sitting doesn’t hurt, standing doesn’t hurt, walking doesn’t hurt.  However, getting up from sitting position or getting into sitting position makes me utter noises that aren’t very ladylike.  Hopefully, though, doing these workouts as well as continuing running will help me reach my goal weight and fitness level.

The other thing that is hindering me this week?  These:


My son, Sammy, got married on the 20th of this month and for some fool reason, I thought it’d be nice to have pretty nails for the wedding – which lasted all of 15 minutes or so and I wasn’t even in.  Now I’m stuck with these dreadful things. My fingers hurt constantly because I forget that extra length on there and catch them on everything. I can hardly type because the stupid nail on my left pinky keeps hitting the caps lock key (grr) and I have to erase half of what I do a dozen times.  Same dear son suggests to me that I should just cut them.  Great idea.  But I have no nail files and yes, it would be simple to go to the store and purchase said, but the thighs protest too much and we only have one car.  So, for now, I’m stuck with these things and I truly do hate them, even if my fingers, for the first time in my life, don’t look short and fat.

Swoon 3 and 4

I’m a bit behind posting these, but here are the 3rd and 4th blocks to the Swoon-a-long.


Block 3


Block 4

I’ve got to get in there and finish trimming those hsts for Block 5 so I can move on!



I’m swooning!

Katy Jones, aka @imagingermonkey, tweeted about swooning and somehow, I found myself suckered in. Here’s her post about it: and here’s the flickr group: Come join us! You can find my blocks there as well as some others that are absolutely beautiful!

Swoon-a-long Block 1

These prints are Dilly Dally by Me & My Sister and Bubble Trouble by Dreaming Bear. The white is Kona White.


Swoon-a-long Block 2

These prints are Fresh Flowers Flowers in a Row in Green by Deb Strain for Moda and Bright Owl in orange by Alice Kennedy for Timeless Treasures. The background, no matter how yellow it looks, is Kona White.