Archive for July, 2012|Monthly archive page

Lots of finishes lately…

Here are some pics from the recent finishes, in no particular order.

From the Made in Cherry QAL:

From the SwoonAlong:

From the Swooning On A HopAlong:

From the talknt Handmade Swap:

Unfortunately, my swap partner didn’t have lots of personal stuff on her flickr page or on her blog. She has an etsy store and all of her pics are of the stuff she’s selling, so I ended up with no idea what she really likes. She did mention that she likes teal and orange together. There is precious little teal in this, but I like the overall effect. Though they’re not visible in the picture, I did quilt more geese into the flowered part of the pillow. And, it’s all quilted with orange thread, which I love!

I also made 152 polaroid blocks!! 76 went into the mail today and I’ll get 75 different ones back. (1 was for the swap hostess.) 150 make a quilt and now I’ll have an extra in case I absolutely hate one I receive or have already made. Here’re are the 76 that went out:

And, I made the 2nd bookshelf block for Manda in the BAMS swap. Phew. Here’re blocks 1 and 2:

This block includes the M Encyclopedia and a photo of Manda in Paris.

This shelf includes a book about Punctuation and an owl bookend.

I finished this top for my nephew, Trevon.

And, I think that’s about it. I’m still waiting on three blocks to finish up Kilah’s quilt. I understand that 1 has been sent from England and 2 from Washington, but they are taking their sweet time getting here!! As soon as they arrive, I’ll need an hour or two to add them to the last row, attach the last row and then add two borders. I haven’t prepped the backing yet because I’m not sure what the finished size will be, but I know it will all get here soon and I can finish that puppy and get it in the mail.

Y’all have a great weekend!

Running and Shoe Update

Since my last update, I had to take off for three weeks to go help my dad as he was recovering from back surgery. Since Wal-Mart doesn’t have a beautiful gym in Charlotte like they have in Bentonville, and it was topping 100F nearly every day I was there, I didn’t run for the entire three weeks. By the time I got back to Bville, and got to the gym, it was almost 4 weeks. A month! No running for a month. Do you know what that does to your endurance? It kills it. So, um, I’m starting back very slowly and to jumpstart that, I went and bought a new pair of running shoes. My Brooks Adrenalines were nice, but I went with a new brand this time and got…I don’t even remember. How sad is that?!? Anyway, I’ve put a few miles on them (yay!), but I’m not back up to 6-mi runs yet. The anemia issue has reared its head again and I’ve spent most of this week laying around feeling whiny and nauseous.

07.10 3.7-mi
07.11 3.69-mi
07.15 3.0-mi walk
07.16 5.6-mi

Total running miles for 2012: 152.55
Total shoe miles: 15.99

Update on Kilah’s quilt

I’ve received 27 of the promised blocks. I am still waiting on 2 (I think). I hate to not have them all when I start the layout, so I’ll wait a few more days. I’ve decided to use the extras in a 2nd donation quilt for another abused little girl. I hope no one is offended if theirs makes it into the second quilt rather than the first. Both are going to be special. For the second quilt, I’m going to use some of the fabric Kate Spain sent to make up a few more blocks to complete it. If you’ve not sent or even made yet, don’t let the number above keep you from making your blocks! All the blocks will be used. I promise.
Kate also sent me a number of blocks she’d made already with some of her fabric and I will incorporate these in the backs (though I truly despise piecing backs. It’s so…anticlimatic or something. haha).

Anyway, thanks so much again for reaching out to Kilah and her family with your time and talent (and fabric). I’m hoping to have this pieced by the weekend and ready to get to the longarm. Pictures coming soon!

Salty ZigZag top done!

I completed this top for my cousin, Tammy, and I’m so glad. I love the quilt, but it’s one of those that I find boring. In other words, lots of same, small blocks to make. Ick.

Anyway, the pattern is from Moda BakeShop for layer cakes: You Zig, I’ll Zag quilt. I modified mine to fit my terrible sewing. The blocks were supposed to be 8.25″ and mine basically were, but most weren’t very square, so I squared them up and trimmed to 8″. I also added an extra, inner border at 2.5″ and increased the outer border from 7.5″ to 9″. This made my finished quilt 79″x79″. The original finished at 75″x75″.

Now to find a suitable backing (because I hate piecing backs).
And the picture before I forget…