I’m swooning!

Katy Jones, aka @imagingermonkey, tweeted about swooning and somehow, I found myself suckered in. Here’s her post about it: http://imagingermonkey.blogspot.com/ and here’s the flickr group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1904864@N22/ Come join us! You can find my blocks there as well as some others that are absolutely beautiful!

Swoon-a-long Block 1

These prints are Dilly Dally by Me & My Sister and Bubble Trouble by Dreaming Bear. The white is Kona White.


Swoon-a-long Block 2

These prints are Fresh Flowers Flowers in a Row in Green by Deb Strain for Moda and Bright Owl in orange by Alice Kennedy for Timeless Treasures. The background, no matter how yellow it looks, is Kona White.

2 comments so far

  1. Jeffrey Smith on

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  2. karen on

    The theme is Andrea.

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